Things to do at home with a quarantined toddler
on Tuesday, May 12, 2020
This current COVID-19 crisis has changed our lives and forced many of us to become home school teachers or day-care providers for our children. In all of the chaos and uncertainty, I am still grateful and taking full advantage of the extra time I get to spend with my two-year-old daughter, since her daycare has been closed. Keeping a toddler busy is no easy task. Of course, I could turn on Frozen and let her watch it on repeat, (that’s the only thing that makes her sit still!) but I want her to continue being active, hands-on, and learning new things as she did in daycare. Here are some of the things we have been doing together during our quarantine days at home.
My daughter loves playing with water, I mean what toddler doesn’t? When it was a hot sunny day, we put her Little Tikes Cozy Coupe car in the driveway and let her wash her car. With a bucket of bubble bath soap, a washcloth, and the garden hose, she was entertained for hours. Too bad she’s not quite tall enough to wash my car yet. 
Just like her mom, my daughter likes to shop. Since we can’t do that right now, I set up a room in the house with all of her existing toys and clothes so that she could pretend shop. She pushed her mini shopping cart and picked out the items she wanted to “buy.” I was the store employee who rung her up at her toy register when she was ready to make her purchase. It was also fun to have her play the store employee while I shopped and she took my fake money and bagged my items. It was also a great exercise to practice counting the money.
Painting is an activity that always makes my husband anxious because most of the paint ends up on everything but the paper. I like to let my daughter paint outside so that she gets some fresh air and it’s much easier to clean a paint mess when it’s outside. When we do paint inside, I like to give her something more specific to paint so that she doesn’t just splatter paint everywhere. One of our favorites is to draw a hand so that she can paint the nails. This has also really helped her learn how to paint and color inside of the lines. (ish)
Like most people these days, our daily walks get us out of the house for some fresh air, exercise, and keep us sane. We like to take our walks in the evening when most families are already inside for dinner or getting ready for bed. This cuts down how many people we may cross paths with on our walks. We also wear our Winter's Edge neck warmers, these keep our necks warm on brisk evenings and we can pull them up over our mouths and noses in case we end up passing neighbors. I also love to put my daughter in her Zemu base layers because they are super soft and comfortable for her to play/lounge in, and then she can even go to bed in them.

So far, I’ve been able to keep my daughter occupied enough to not watch Frozen on repeat. (thank goodness for me as well!) I am cherishing these extra moments I have with her and always looking for new ways to be creative. Now let’s hope I can keep her entertained until she goes back to daycare!
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Tagged: kids activities, at home fun, fun things to do with kids, fun things to do with kids at home, kids activities at home
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