Staff Profiles: Christine

Staff Profiles: Christine

Posted by WinterKids on Saturday, December 31, 2011

We're kicking off our newly revamped staff profiles with the newest and youngest member of the team - Christine. Christine spent a little more than half her life growing up in Africa, but transplanted to Colorado in the mid 2000's. Although she sometimes longs for warmer climates, we're pretty sure the amazing winters here in the centennial state are starting to find a place in her heart. Let's get to know Christine a little better.

Where are you originally from?

Nairobi, Kenya. I moved to the states in April of 2005.  All I remember about moving was that it was in the middle of a blizzard, that was my first time seeing snow.

How long have you been a Winter Kid?

3 months and counting.

What do you love doing when you’re not at work?

I love to hang out with my family, I love cooking, and I LOVE sleep. Currently trying to beat my personal record of sleeping for 3 days straight. It was the best sleep I ever had! When I’m not sleeping I like to spend as much time in the gym as I can.

You’ve been in the US for almost 7 years now, have you gotten completely used to western culture or was the transition a breeze?

No, it was not easy. I still get a culture shock almost every day, but it is definitely getting easier. I finally learned how to stop writing in British English.

If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be and why?

Either Sydney or Barcelona. Spain seems like it has a really beautiful culture. I don’t know much about Sydney, but the opera house looks amazing!

Categories: Skiing & Snowboarding


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